Friday, 15 October 2010

Codes and Conventions of a Magazine Double Page Spread!

  • Larger image covering full page- sometimes bleeds between pages, linking two pages together
  • Drop capitals- show the reader where to start
  • Standfirst introduces the article and i positioned under the headline.  Contains journalist's name and credits the photographer.
  • Other techniques; blod text, slightly biggegr textsize, capitals for the first few words.
  • Quotes are taken out of the article and enlarged somewhere in the article, this is to break up the page and make it seem like there is not that much text,  Also the quotes could be positioned under the headline or by the picture to anchor, or in the stand-first
  • Laid out in columns, always 2 to 4.  It is  only occasionally set out in columns of 2.
  • Simple colour scheme (colours kept to a minimum)
  • Headline of the article 
  • Name of the artist who the article is about.
  • If the article is an interview, the photograph will be taken in the studio
  • Sometimes the picture is across the whole DPS with all the text on the picture
  • Headlines sometimes use stylised fonts, dependant on the target audience. this is used to draw the reader in but not give away what the article is about
  • By line- who wrote the article/photographers credit
  • Strapline at the top- subject matter of the article
  • The article is usually written informally and allows the reader to get an insight into the writers personality.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Researching the Music Magazine Market Place!

        NME- New Music Express!
  • retails for £2.30
  • contains 70 to 80 pages
  • indie rock and new music
  • the magazine is published every week
  • regulars consist of album reviews, crosssword,ON REPEAT, news, Radar and LIVE!

This is an example of a regular article in an issue of NME (showed by the stand-first 'the sounds rattling around the skulls of the NME staff this week'). It is exactly what i would like to be doing, as it is about bands that, i regard as, not being as advertised as they should be, that relate to the target audience. 
  • features are basically in-depth interviews with different bands every week, sometimes on a certain occasions like a music festival or on their tour.



Initial Ideas for Music Magazine!

The type of music magazine i will produce.

The target audience.
People aged around 14-22, who want to read about indie music, and be introduced to new music.

Evaluation of School Magazine!

  After the production of my magazine I realised that, although some of the criteria mentioned in the codes and conventions of this media is present, I had overlooked some of the vital points. I had included a medium close up of a student, as my brief stated, a barcode, the issue date and number, and an appropriate masthead that anchored the image. Furthermore, I stuck to a simple colour scheme, of white and blue, that related to the logo that I created, and everything on the pages where original and either taken or made by myself.
  On the other hand, my product lacked and sometimes deviated away from the codes and conventions of this media, my model for the front cover was not looking at the camera when the picture was taken. Also ,there are not many cover lines and the ones that I have made venture too close to the models face, distracting the focus to them and not the model. I noticed that the bar on the bottom of the front cover is yellow, like in my logo, however, it is not the exact same tone of yellow, making my wrong cover look less professional. 
  I used Adobe Photoshop CS3 to create my front cover, on this used basic tools like ‘Text Box’ and ‘Rectangle’ to set out my basic lay out.  After this I used ‘Stroke’ to give my cover lines an added effect and this allowed me to interpret a certain colour scheme on to my cover.
  My contents page was created using QuarkXpress Passport, I set a page to A4 and added three columns, this allowed me to be able to not worry about getting my pictures and text all in proportion.  After this I used a combination of the ‘Text’, ‘Rectangle’ and ‘Picture Box’ tools to create my product.
  My product looks slightly unprofessional, as some of the text is positioned poorly, stands out to much and does not fill the page, however I believe that the contents page is set out very well.

School Magazine Contents Page Final Design!

School Magazine Front Cover Final Design!

This my final design for my school magazine.

Images for School Magazine Contents Page!

This is my image for The 'New Dawn, New Term' article!

This is the image i will use for the 'Dancing King' article.

This the image i will use for my 'Football Champion' article.

Images for School Mag Front Cover!

Plan for School Front Cover!

 Title- HB
Front Cover Image- Edward Hyde, a well groomed student who has recently been awarded the role of head boy for his school.
Cover lines- THE NEW ’ED BOY!
                 10 games to get you through detention!
                  it’s a new dawn it’s a new term!
                  Dancing King- Joe Donnelly’s rise to a dance champion
                  Free ’HB’ Pencil

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Codes and Conventions of a Magazine Contents Page!

  • one big image - but smaller ones also

  • contents at the top

  • lists of storys

  • consistent colour scheme (plain)

  • more then one image

  • use headings to divide up contents

  • editorial - a picture of editor

  • page numbers on pictures to anchor image to written contents

  • columns (2 or 3)

  • white background

  • title of magazine

  • regular contents

  • features

  • bottom of the page - website, date, contact details.

  • Codes and Conventions of a Magazine Front Cover!

  • 1 word or letter title

  • title on top left page (full page width)

  • a colour scheme

  • main story is main picture

  • puffs

  • main image over title slightly

  • barcode

  • unique font

  • title is the largest text on the cover

  • one main image - med close up, direct address

  • main coverline - anchors the meaning of the main image, second largest on the page (few words as possible)

  • coverlines - two or three lines, information about contents

  • typography - consistent, connotationsof font reflect the target audience and subject

  • frame - coverlines fame the image

  • positioning statement - by the title

  • issue date and price

  • buzz word - exclusive