Thursday 10 February 2011

Printscreens of Double Page Spread Production

I used QuarkXPress Passport 7 to create my Double Page Spread article.

 Due to the shape of my picture i decided to make my article three pages long.  I used the 'Picture Box' tool to create a square-ish shape that bled onto the second page.  i then simply imorted the picture with CTRL + E and then sized it to fit in the box.
I made the headline by creating two text boxes and resizing them to meet the column lines.  The stand first was done the same way, with a horizontally drawn text box.  The 'Text Box' was used used in the article aswell, however, to a different extent.  i drew a text box that covered the whole two articles, and then imported the word file of my   

Monday 7 February 2011

Second Photoshoot for Magazine Front Cover

After deciding that the image was not right on my first cover, it was clear that i needed another batch of images to try.